


A cello and guitar are two very different instruments with an important similarity: they’re both stringed instruments. The guitar has six strings, whereas the cello has four strings. Still, these differences are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to an understanding of what the two instruments can do and how they compare in terms of difficulty, versatility, and range of tones. Here’s everything you need to know about guitar vs. cello to help you know their key differences.

What’s the difference between the guitar and a cello? A cello is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. Meanwhile, a guitar is a six-stringed instrument played by plucking or strumming with fingers or a plectrum. Guitars make a sharp, distinctive sound, while cellos have a larger body that produces a deeper, richer sound.

What is a Cello?

Violoncello, or simply cello, is played with a bow. It has four strings that are tuned (low to high) C, G, D, and A. The cello is pitched one octave lower than the viola, which belongs to the violin family. In an orchestra, the cellos usually play in the middle of the string section or on the bass line in unison with the double basses.

What is a Guitar?

The guitar has six strings tuned (low to high) E, A, D, G, B, and E. There are also 12-string guitars with more than six strings and may have as many as 24 strings. You play the guitar with one hand strumming or picking the strings and the other hand fretting notes. While guitars are usually used to accompany singers, especially in folk music and rock and roll, they are sometimes used in orchestras as part of an ensemble.

The Difference Between Guitar vs. Cello

The cello and guitar are both stringed instruments, but the similarities end there. The cello is a member of the violin family and functions as the bass voice of that family. The guitar is a member of the lute family and functions as a chordal accompaniment instrument. The two instruments are not interchangeable.

Number of Strings

The most fundamental difference between the two instruments is that a guitar typically has six strings, while a cello has four. It’s possible to play certain arrangements on both instruments with more or fewer strings. Still, for all intents and purposes, these are the usual configurations.

The strings on a cello are commonly made of aluminum, chromium, or titanium. In contrast, the strings on a guitar are either nylon or steel.

Weight and Size

The second major difference between guitar and cello is their weight and size. A typical full-size cello measuring 30 inches or more weighs between 5 to 7 pounds, not including the hard case, bow, and accessories.

Guitars are generally smaller than cellos. A full-size guitar has an approximate length of 38 inches long, with a scale length measuring around 25.5 inches. Guitars can be taken anywhere, unlike cellos which require larger cases when traveling. Cellos also require much more room for storage and physical space on stage during a performance.


The guitar and the cello also differ in tuning. The guitar is an instrument tuned to the following notes from lowest to highest: E, A, D, G, B, and E in standard tuning. This six-string configuration is the most common tuning for guitars.

Meanwhile, the cello has four strings tuned as follows (in ascending sequence of thickness): C, G, D, and A. The cello, like the violin, has four strings that are tuned in perfect fifths, whereas the guitar is tuned mostly in fourths. Many cello players tune their cellos with a piano because low C on the cello corresponds to two octaves below middle C on the piano.


A guitar makes a sharp, distinctive sound. It’s often used in rock music or folk music because of its ability to be heard over loud drums and other instruments. 

On the other hand, a cello has a deeper tone than the guitar, making it better suited for more classical music. Cello music also tends to be slower and more drawn out than guitar music but can still create an energetic sound when played by someone with experience with the instrument.

Guitars have a bright sound and a quick note attack. Guitarists can play notes on all six strings at once by strumming with the right hand. A cellist will struggle to play more than two notes at once due to the fretboard’s camber, making it difficult for the bow to contact more than two strings at once.

Playing Style

The cello is played vertically between the knees, with the bow in the right hand and the left hand pressing down on the strings to change their pitch. The guitar is played horizontally, suspended by a strap, or supported on the player’s knee, with fingers plucking or strumming the strings to produce different sounds.

Guitar vs. Cello: Which One is Easier to Play?

Guitars are a lot easier to learn than the cello. The big advantage for guitarists is accessibility–guitars tend to be less expensive than cellos, and learning how to play one doesn’t require as much commitment as that of a cello player. 

On top of that, while it can take years to develop enough skill to perform on stage or record with an orchestra, many people manage to learn basic chords within weeks or even days. There isn’t nearly as much pressure on guitarists in that regard.

Meanwhile, the cello is a lot more complex. Not only does it have four strings, but it is vertically played where you can’t see the fingerboard. The guitar is played horizontally across the body, and you can see the fretboard easily. 


If you’re looking for a beautiful and challenging instrument, the cello is likely for you. If your primary concern is finding an instrument that can be picked up quickly without a lot of dedication, then go with the guitar.

Overall, guitar and cello are two different instruments. While it may take more time to learn how to play the cello, and it may take a bit more strength for you to play guitar, playing both of these instruments can be rewarding.

If there is one music genre you are bound to find in every Gen Z and millennial’s music playlist, it has to be lo-fi or lo-fi chill.

Lo-fi music has taken over the music industry by storm, with lo-fi versions of every mainstream song populating our social media feeds. With the advent of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, these lo-fi songs quickly start trending these days.

What are Lo-fi and Lo-fi Chill Music?

For those who may not know (a nice way of saying ‘Ok boomer’), let us break this down to you. Lo-fi music or lo-fi beats resonates with nostalgia. This music style comprises subtle atmospheric sounds that include anything from the whistling of the wind and raindrops to waves crashing on the sea-shore, etc. Lo-fi music can easily be recognized from its signature audio aesthetic.

Lo-fi chill or lo-fi hip hop falls under the same umbrella, but you may refer to it as a modern version of lo-fi (low-fidelity) music. This genre focuses primarily on downtempo and mix-and-matching various hip-hop and lo-fi music elements.

So, without further ado, let’s look at some of the most popular lo-fi gems you could muse to. Here’s a playlist of ‘The 8 Best Chill Lo-fi Songs for You.’

Song # 1: 420 Everyday by Stay See

If you are looking for a chill lo-fi track that can put you in a state of trance, ‘420 Everyday’ by Stay See is the one.

This song features mellow beats and a smooth-like-butter rhythm that perfectly sets the mood on a long drive. You can also use it to calm your senses when an existential crisis hits you at midnight out of nowhere.

Don’t forget to check out other tracks by Stay See, and you will certainly become a fan of Stay See’s unique music style.

Song # 2: So The Flies Don’t Come by Milo

Milo is one of those lo-fi artists known for their poetic lyrics and lo-fi beats. His music is ideal for when you want to relax or get away from the rest of the world for a while.

If you are someone who is passionate about post-modernist issues, you will certainly become a Milo fan. His music will inspire you.

Give a listen to his album, ‘So The Flies Don’t Come’ if you are looking for something scintillating for your ears and meaningful for your soul.

Song # 3: Ocean Line by Sacha Maren

Lo-fi music does not always have to be all about rainbows and sunshine; listen to ‘Ocean Line’ by Sacha Maren, and you will know what we’re talking about.

‘Ocean Line’ by Sacha Maren is not a mainstream tear-jerker, but it holds the power to take you on a trip down memory lane. The one that pulls at all right chords of your heart. Some people find it moving; some people find it utterly sad. Either way, they cannot help but be hooked to it.

Simply put, this song should come with a warning label for overly emotional people. It can make those tear ducts overflow in seconds! Yup, that’s tried and tested.

With this song, Sacha Maren has crafted an incredible lo-fi melody. It would be almost a sin not to mention it in a ‘best lo-fi songs playlist.’

Song # 4: It’s Ok To Leave by Zaini & Vict Molina

‘It’s Ok To Leave’ by Zaini & Vict Molina is not a typical sad song, as the title suggests. Instead, it celebrates love and separation in a heart-warming way. It can also help you get through a tough phase in life; the music and lyrics are that comforting.

This lo-fi track will instantly make you reminisce about watching the rain from your window on a summer night. Pay close attention, and you can almost listen to the sound of ‘raindrops’ in the background.

The second half of the song will transform you into another world, so get ready to chill-out out of the world when you listen to it.

Song # 5: Shiki No Uta by Minmi

If you are a fan of both lo-fi and anime, this one is a treat for you.

‘Shiki No Uta’ featured in the classic anime series Samurai Champloo, and it became a huge hit afterward.

The song has a cool and moody vibe; coupled with Minmi’s calming voice, Shiki No Uta is a gem for lo-fi music enthusiasts.

Watch it with the video here to ‘truly’ feel and enjoy the chill vibe.

Song # 6: Covered in my Tears by Jisatsu ft. Iriasona

Ask any avid lo-fi music fan, the song ‘Covered in my Tears’ by Jisatsu ft. Iriasona has to be in their playlist.

Whether you are trying to stay up all night or just want to enjoy some alone time on a lazy Sunday afternoon, this lo-fi track can be your perfect muse.

This song is soothing, soul-stirring, and heart-wrenching at the same time. That’s the beauty of it. The lyrics are deeply moving and inspiring, so keep a tissue handy if you have a weak heart.

Song # 7: Color Garden by Lungfulls

Lungfulls is quite underrated when it comes to the lo-fi music industry, but it doesn’t mean he is not insanely talented.

His lo-fi music style is a little unconventional, and you may need to crank up the bass to let it grow on you. However, once you get the hang of it, you would want to listen to Lungfulls on repeat.

Color Garden is his most popular song to date, so check it out here and get ready to add a new name to your favorite lo-fi artists’ list.

Song # 8: Get You To The Moon by Kina ft. Snow

With more than 200 million views on YouTube, ‘Get You To The Moon’ by Kina ft. Snow is certainly one of the most popular lo-fi chill songs out there.

This song will give you an outburst of positivity, uplifting your spirits with its mellow melody and heartening lyrics. It also reminds you of being hopeful and resilient during hardships and watching out for that light at the end of the tunnel.

The song has brought together the lo-fi community through its positive influence and, of course, the incredible music and vocals. Kina is an artist who has mastered the lo-fi game and continues to impress everyone with his music.

‘Can We Kiss Forever?’ is another song by Kina that is a favorite in the lo-fi music community.

The Bottom Line

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog on ‘The Best 8 Chill Lo-fi Songs’, and you are now intrigued to add some (or all) of them to your playlist.

If you have discovered a newfound love for lo-fi music, the tracks listed above are excellent to feed your soul as well as your senses.

If there are any more lo-fi chill songs that you would like us to add to the playlist, feel free to share them in the comments section below.

Keep watching this space for more interesting musical blogs, guides, and stories.

Until next time!

If you have spent a fair amount of time exploring the music world, you may have come across certain songs that contain interludes. This term is frequently used to describe instrumental passages, transitionary sections, or even silent breaks in songs. However, you may be wondering about the origin of this term and where it can be applied.

Today we will be examining “What is an interlude in music?” and discussing the different types of interludes in songs.

What is an Interlude?

The term “interlude” can be applied to many different forms of music. It can refer to a section within a particular track. It may also refer to a stand alone track.

Interlude within a Track

Let’s say you’re listening to a pop or a rock track that exceeds three minutes in length. Chances are that the track contains instrumental portions where no vocals are present. These sections may be used to connect a verse with a chorus, or a chorus with another chorus. However, the key thing to note here is that they are instrumental sections.

For example, you might hear an instrumental portion following the second chorus of a song. This instrumental section may then lead into the song’s third and final chorus. Many would say that this instrumental portion is the song’s “interlude”. However, there is no definitive answer for whether or not this section constitutes an interlude.

Others would describe the section mentioned above as a “solo” or a “bridge”. In either case, it is apparent that it is difficult to tell what exactly an interlude is and whether it differs from a bridge within the context of a single track.

The above definition for interlude may also feel flimsy when you take into account that many song intros and outros contain instrumental sections. Do these count as interludes too? No one really knows.

Interludes Between Tracks

While some interludes may be tucked into a section within a song, others may be placed between songs on an album or EP.

For example, on folk singer-songwriter Sufjan Steven’s 2005 album Illinois, the track In This Temple, As In The Hearts Of Man For Whom He Saved The Earth is a 35 second instrumental with vibraphones and choir hymns that precedes the album’s sixteenth track The Seer’s Tower. This interlude essentially bridges the tracks it is between and serves to make the album sound more cohesive.

You can think of the interlude mentioned above as performing the same function as pulling closed the curtains between scenes of a play. However, unlike an intermission, the track still features musical elements that could be considered engaging.

History of Interludes

The term “interlude” is derived from the Latin word “interludium”, which means “between a play”. The term’s association with music likely developed at a later point in history. However, the exact point where it became associated with music is still unknown.

Skits and Interludes

Many albums in the hip hop genre feature transitional tracks between full tracks. These transitional tracks often feature dialogue between artists or the album’s “characters”. They may or may not feature any music at all. Hip hop artists often refer to these tracks as “skits” because they usually feature a humorous or storylike element to them.

For example, Kanye West’s debut album College Dropout features a number of humorous skits that poke fun at the concept of post-secondary education. The track School Spirit Skit 2 in particular mocks the album’s protagonist’s urge to keep studying and earn degrees rather than pursue other things in life. The aforementioned skit could be considered an interlude even though it isn’t like the instrumental sections discussed earlier.

Do Silent Portions Count as Interludes?

If you have listened to dozens of albums in your lifetime, you may have come across at least a few songs that contain silent portions. Such portions often serve the purpose of giving listeners a break between tracks. Alternatively, they may conceal hidden tracks tucked away at the end of a silent stretch. However, you may be wondering if such silent portions count as interludes.

These sections certainly bridge different parts of a song or tracks. However, they do not feature vocals or instrumentation. With that in mind, would it be fair to refer to them as interludes?

There is actually a term known as “caesura” that describes silent breaks or pauses in classical music. This means an interlude cannot be silent.

Should You Include Interludes In Your Music?

After learning about the different types of interludes out there, you may be wondering if it is worth inserting interludes in your own music. The answer may vary depending on the type of composition you are creating. We have discussed some scenarios where an interlude may be useful below:

Connecting Portions of a Song

As mentioned earlier, an instrumental interlude serves the purpose of connecting different portions of a track together. Such interludes may be necessary to give listeners a break between vocal sections and get them excited for what’s to come.

For example, The Stone Roses’ track She Bangs the Drum features a forty second interlude after the first chorus. The track maintains a steady groove with energetic guitar and bass riffing during this interlude before launching back into a second chorus and closing out the track.

An interlude also serves as an opportunity to add an instrument solo to your track. So if you want to show off your lead playing on a synth or a guitar, the interlude is definitely the best place to do it.

Transitions Between Songs

In some cases you can add a short interlude between tracks on an album. This may help make the transition between two very different sounding songs a bit smoother.

Car Seat Headrest’s I-94 W (832 mi) from their 2014 EP How to Leave Town illustrates this well. This instrumental section conveys an introspective tone with its fragmented guitar delay loop. It follows the track Kimochi Warui (When? When? When? When? When? When? When?), in which singer Will Toledo is struck with an existential crisis after realizing his childhood heroes and idols were just as lost and confused as he currently is.

The interlude track is then followed up by the track You’re In Love With Me in which the young songwriter mocks the prospect of another person being in love with him and presents the idea in a more humorous tone. Placing these two tracks side by side would have led to a jarring tonal shift in the album, so adding I-94 W (832 mi) as a transitory interlude in-between helps smoothen out this contrast.

You can try following the above example if you would like to place two very different sounding tracks near each other on an album.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, the term “interlude” has a loose definition that can be applied to many songs or song sections. At the end of the day, it is simply a label used to describe something that differs from the main portions of a song or album.

The above guide illustrates the concept of an interlude with many examples, so consider reviewing it if you are interested in adding some interludes on your next album or EP.

The Eagles are currently one of the top-earning bands in the world, making millions on tour alone.

The Eagles are considered one of, if not the best-selling American bands in history, and they are still making a ton of money after all these years.

With a band with so much success and fame, you can’t help but wonder how much money the Eagles make per show.

How much money do the Eagles make per concert? The Eagles are one of the highest-paid bands on the planet. A substantial percentage of the band’s revenues come from their “An Evening with the Eagles” tour, which grosses an average of $3.5 million per concert. The Eagles grossed $73.4 million in 2019 despite only performing 29 shows.

Who are the Eagles?

The Eagles first found success in the late 1970s, and their music has continued to be popular throughout the decades, capturing fans of every age.

“Hotel California,” the band’s fifth studio album, was released in 1976 and is regarded as one of the most successful albums of all time.

In addition, the Eagles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998, joining the ranks of the most popular rock and roll artists of all time.

Formed in 1971, the Eagles was founded by four members, including Don Henley (drummer), Glenn Frey (guitarist), Bernie Leadon (guitarist), and Randy Meisner (bass guitarist).

The band is known for its soft-rock sound and breakthrough singles “New Kid in Town” and “Hotel California.”

When co-founder Glenn Frey died in 2016, the others vowed to keep going in his memory.

Don Henley, the band’s founder and drummer, is joined by guitarist Joe Walsh and bassist Timothy B. Schmit. Deacon Frey, Glenn’s son, and country artist Vince Gill round out the lineup.

How much do the Eagles make for a concert?

There’s no doubting that the Eagles are one of the world’s most successful bands.

The Eagles have mastered rock, country, and pop genres, with nine studio albums released since their foundation in the early 1970s.

As a result, the Eagles have topped number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart five times, allowing them to become accomplished artists earning millions year after year.

The Eagles were named the highest-paid band on Forbes’ list of the World’s Top-Earning Musicians of 2019. The renowned band earned a whopping $100 million, putting them at number eight on the top-100 list.

The band’s “An Evening with the Eagles” tour, which grosses an average of $3.5 million each show, accounts for a large portion of their earnings. The Eagles made $73.4 million despite performing 29 shows in 2019.

The Eagles performed ten gigs in 2020, a year with limited touring due to the pandemic.

Nevertheless, it grossed $33 million and netted $11.4 million. The Eagles were the fifth most-played act in that same year.

What was the Eagles’ highest-grossing tour?

The Eagles’ highest-grossing tour was the “Hell Freezes Over” tour that earned $253 million. If adjusted for inflation, the figure grosses $434.3 million.

The Hell Freezes Over tour is among the highest-grossing concert tours of all time.

The Eagles’ Don Henley said after their final show in 1980 that they would perform together again “when hell freezes over.”

Fourteen years later, the band reunited and recorded the live album “Hell Freezes Over” as a nod to Henley’s remark, as well as embarking on a six-week tour.

The tour lasted two years, from July 2013 to July 2015, and grossed $253 million, with over 2 million tickets sold over 147 shows.

How much does it cost to book the Eagles for a show?

According to the research, the Eagles can be booked for $750,000.

This figure came from the site Priceonomics that recently reached out to Degy Entertainment, a third-party booking agency.

They provided a rough idea of just how much it may cost to book your favorite musical act based on “a list of rates suggested by the artists’ agents per show, pre-expense.”

It appears that specific band members can be booked separately as well: Don Henley (min. $250,000), Glenn Frey (min. $150,000), and Joe Walsh (both min. $150,000) are the most costly members of the Eagles.

(Note: These are the asking costs from a third-party booking service that specializes in college concerts; the figures are most likely inflated. Many of these artists’ actual prices are determined by a variety of circumstances.)

Where concert ticket money goes

Of course, gross earnings are not the same as profit. Musical acts such as the Eagles aren’t just boosting their personal bank accounts; they’re also feeding many people on tour.

Fans who spend $275 for a show might assume that most of the money goes to the band. But it isn’t the case.

So, where does the money from concert tickets go?

According to The Guardian, the money that music fans spend supports a complete touring ecosystem, including artists, promoters, stage setups, and medical personnel.

As a result, there are no exact splits that apply in every situation because it depends on the band, the venue, the promoter, the marketing budget, and tax rules, among other factors.

Who is the richest member of the Eagles?

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Don Henley, the Eagles’ singer and drummer, is the richest member of the band and has a net worth of almost $250 million.

Henley has had a lengthy and successful solo career and his work with the Eagles.

Henley began his solo career after the Eagles disbanded, primarily owing to internal issues. During this time, he recorded five solo studio albums.

As a solo artist, Henley won two Grammy Awards for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance. He was also the fourth richest drummer on the planet in 2012, behind Ringo Starr, Phil Collins, and Dave Grohl.

Henley owns multiple valuable real estate holdings and the money he receives from record sales as a solo artist and with the Eagles.

According to Variety, Henley purchased a West Hollywood bungalow for just over $2.2 million in 2018.

An approximately 40-acre hilltop spread above Malibu’s Point Dume and a 3.6-acre multi-residence estate anchored by a nearly 16,000-square-foot palace in Dallas are included among his properties.


The Eagles have certainly lived up to the title of being one of the biggest money-making bands in the world throughout their storied career, and it’s not too far-fetched to say that their popularity shows no signs of slowing.

Have you ever seen an artist or band perform on stage and were completely mesmerized by their performance? The musical experience they offer is so amazing that you cannot help but give your full attention to them. Now at the same time, have you seen a band or artist perform that had on spark to them at all?

There are plenty of reasons why an artist or band can effectively capture an audience’s attention. Nevertheless, the biggest reason is their stage presence. In this article, we will take a look at everything you need to know about stage presence.

What is Stage Presence?

Stage presence is basically the ability to capture the audience’s attention into one’s performance. It is something you find hard to define as an audience member, but you definitely know it when you see it!

Stage presence is not about being beautiful, tall, or having rippling muscles. Rather, it is something that makes your performance stand out and makes you memorable as a performer.

Artists with good stage presence can connect with the audience and engross them with the story that’s being told. In this case, the story is being told through their musical performance.

Having an excellent stage presence is going to make your overall performance much more fun to watch.

Why Is Stage Presence Important?

Stage presence is extremely important as it can make or break your career in terms of success. Along with experience, hard work, and skill, stage presence can produce a combination that transforms “good” performers into legends and stars.

Stage presence is also important because it makes your performance entertaining and enjoyable to watch. It also gives you room for minor mistakes. Since you are so engaging to watch, audience members will not notice the small mistakes you make, such as choreography fails or technical problems, etc.

In addition, having a good stage presence can increase your fanbase and build your overall image.

How to Have Good Stage Presence

Having a good stage presence isn’t for the faint-hearted. It isn’t about hiding behind that huge cello or shrinking into a back row behind the drum set. A stage presence is about being in your true element as a musician, sharing the best version of yourself and other performers around you.

But how can you have a good stage presence if you already feel a little scared in front of other people? Well, here are some tips that can help you improve your presence and your performance.

1. Stay Present

We’ll start off with the most important skill you need to have that will significantly enhance your stage presence – the ability to be present. It’s quite easy for us to drift into thoughts and think about other things that aren’t related to what’s taking place at the moment. When you’re on the stage, you need to put all of your energy and focus on the performance at hand.

You don’t need to stress over things that took place before the performance or even about things that are going to happen later. The past and future don’t matter. You only need to pay attention to the present, which is all about giving the best performance you can on stage.

This is the basic skill you need to have if you wish to enhance your stage performance and your performance capabilities.

2. Create a Unique Image of Yourself

Whether you are part of an orchestra or play in a small quarter, there are several ways to develop a stage presence that’s entirely your own. For instance, you might have to wear an ordinary black suit during a performance, but you can also wear interesting shoes or a bright-colored necktie to stand out. Some of the world’s best artists have hairstyles or outfits that are too “out there.” While you’re having fun and enjoying, continue performing to your highest standards.

3. Cut Silence from Your Shows

One thing that can take an audience entirely out of the moment is awkward periods of silence between every song you and your band plays

As soon as a song ends, everyone on stage needs to be engaged and prepared for the next one. There’s nothing more amateur than a band looking at one another quietly to check if everyone’s ready for the next song.

Plan your set to have no gaps of silence at all. For instance, you can have your lead singer engage in some light banter with the crowd or music interludes that transition into the next song seamlessly. You can have cues in your banter that indicate when to begin the next song.

Eliminating silence during your performance will make sure that the audience is engaged during the whole performance. Your set is going to flow, and your audience won’t even think about doing something else.

4. Pay Attention to Your Body Language

A really important factor to your stage presence is how well you’re able to connect with the crowd. This is where you need to learn about the right usage of body language. While you’re performing on stage, look at your audience and embrace them.

Don’t simply look at your fellow bandmates and your instruments. Rather, make eye contact with the audience and interact with them. For instance, if you hear someone cheering super loud for you, point towards them and thank them. Things like these go a long way in building your stage presence.

The right use of body language showcases confidence and allows you to further create a connection with the people watching you perform.

There is plenty of information that you can convey through your body language. Even small gestures such as a smile after finishing a guitar solo or a nod to a fellow band member when everything is going perfectly show the people that you are having fun on stage. Showing such aspects of humanity on stage allow the crowd to relate with you more.

Performers with Excellent Stage Presence

Here is a list of some artists who have an excellent stage presence.

1. The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones are an iconic English rock band that has been around for more than five decades. Their stage presence is electrifying, and their performances cannot be missed by any rock and roll fan.

2. Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars’s captivating dance moves, along with his band of backup dancers, make him one of the best performers that this music era has witnessed.

3. Beyonce

The multi-talented Queen B delivers non-stop energy. She headlined the Coachella Music and Arts Festival in 2018, then went on to release “Homecoming,” a documentary film showcasing the whole BTS process of making her performance. The documentary showed the months of dedication and planning that she devoted to her live performance, making her an absolute must-watch.

4. Eminem

Not every artist manages to sound the same during their studio-version recordings and their stage performances, but Eminem is truly one of a kind. Being a hip-hop legend, he surely knows how to put on an incredible show.

5. Lady Gaga

Guaranteed to give a memorable on-stage performance, Lady Gaga is one artist with a brilliant stage presence!

Last Few Words

Stage presence is surely one of the most important–and most challenging–parts of being a musician. Just remember that by working on it, you are supercharging your musical career. You will be putting on better shows that will result in more fans and lead to international fame!

How to find the pitch of a song? The easiest way to find the pitch of a song is to hum or sing along with the song; you can also train your ear to recognize a pitch through memory. Alternatively, there are also apps or software that will help you distinguish the pitch of any song!

“If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.” these were the exact words of, unarguably one of the brightest of minds, Charles Darwin in his autobiography.

Going back to Darwin, our innate love for music has deep evolutionary roots. Darwin, himself, believed that music stood as a selective advantage – allowing our ancestors to communicate with mere rhythmic patterns of clapping.

As millennia went by, the influence of music grew stronger. Imagine, after a long day at work, your favorite song plays on the radio – do you ever wonder how music swiftly changes the ambiance. Indeed, music is complex.

To elucidate music’s mysteries, we’ll first dive into its basics. In this article, we’ll help you layout the foundation in understanding pitch in music.

Understanding Pitch in Music

“Her singing is a little pitchy,” you’ve undoubtedly heard it before.

In the world of music, the pitch is among the most relevant key phrases. Nonetheless, it is frequently misconstrued, and what we think of as pitch is frequently misread in terms of its underlying significance. In music, the pitch is the property that allows you to distinguish between “higher” and “lower” sounds.

In the notion of melodic compositions, sounds are higher or lower depending on the frequency of vibrating sound waves that produce them.

A sound wave is simply vibrations of air particles picked up by our ears, which we may deconstruct further (with a bit of physics). The frequency (basically, how swift the cycle of the wave) of a sound wave is one of its most important features

To make it appear less complicated, when a sound’s frequency is greater, your ears will interpret it as having a higher pitch. However, don’t confuse the two terms! The ability to quantify frequency is an objective, empirical attribute. The subjective sense of sound waves, which cannot be precisely measured, is known as pitch.

In other words, what sounds low to you may not sound low to someone else. As a result, in psychoacoustics (yep, there is a whole field of study dedicated to studying how people perceive sound), pitch is a major issue.

So, what is the most widely acknowledged method of determining pitch?

This value is then presented in Hertz (Hz) once pitch is measured scientifically. Humans can only hear tones with frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz, which is a fascinating fact!

Common Pitch in Music

However, “pitch” isn’t necessarily an all-in-one term. For us to better get a grasp of its concept, let’s hover through some common pitch-related keywords in music:

Perfect Pitch

With the hype around Pitch Perfect, this may be the most familiar to you. After hearing a musical note, a person’s ability to name by referring to other notes is referred to as perfect pitch. Let’s imagine you’re a piano player who played a low E with a blindfold on. You could probably guess the proper note (with the help of a tuner) if you had perfect pitch. Only 1 to 5 persons out of 10,000 will be able to have innate perfect pitch (of course, this odd is higher if we only take musicians into consideration).

Absolute Pitch

Many often misconstrue this for perfect pitch. Well, they are almost similar. It’s just that people with absolute pitch can name an exact note they hear without the need for any reference.

Sharp Pitch

“You went a little sharp” is a term that you may hear a lot in reality contests, but what exactly does it mean? A pitch that is a little too high for the intended note is known as a sharp pitch. Re-tuning your instrument or changing your approach might help you rectify sharp notes.

Flat Pitch

A flat pitch, on the other hand, is one that is a little too low for the desired sound.

Here’s a short video explaining the musical pitch:

No Pitch Reference? No Problem!

To reiterate, all songs are composed in a specific key that tells you what notes and chords will be utilized in the song.  It’s simpler to play an instrument when you know the key to a song. Going further, you can still tell what key a song is in even if you don’t have any musical training and can’t read music. Aside from that, being capable of determining pitch without first plucking notes on a keyboard is useful.

Is it possible to “memorize” a note and work from there?

Yes! Memorizing a pitch, like everything else, needs practice and trial. You can start by tuning your guitar! Listen to the standard tuning from time to time, and try tuning your guitar by ear before having it checked with a tuner.

You can also try humming along with the song!

Try humming along the track you are working with for a good amount of time. Then sing a steady note that is most probably the root or a perfect fifth above the root. You can verify this you have an instrument with you!

Tip: modern songs would probably have a key in minor!

If all else fails, try some online key detection sites or software (we’ll hook you up on that later!)

Picking the Perfect Key

How about instead of listening, you’ll be playing or singing. It can be a bit difficult to choose the best key for you (but not as challenging as singing in a mismatched key).

Assess your vocal range.

Grab a piano (or any available instruments) and try singing up and down the scale. Determine your voice’s upper and lower limits – you don’t want to end up straining your voice, trying to hit notes way above your range.

Put the song on repeat.

This does not only apply to the original track alone. Do record yourself singing as well (and listen!). If you sound a bit strained, the key may not be the right fit.

Experiments aren’t only for scientists.

Try singing and recording in different keys! You can either choose ones slightly above or lower than the original or just go outside the box (and let your creativity take over).

Final Thoughts

In this article, we gave you a crash course on the basics of pitch – and ultimately, on how you’d be able to determine a song’s key and progression to sing or play in. As a musician, mastering the fundamentals is vital in songwriting and performing.

Bonus: As promised, we also compiled a bunch of sites and software to look into to make this task a stroll in the park!

Copyright strikes and demonetization are words that you’ll hear from YouTube creators multiple times. There aren’t many channels left who haven’t gotten these strikes or warnings yet. Music is a particularly touchy subject and creators take care to not feature well known songs in their videos.

However, there are creators whose videos are extremely melody or rhythm-centric. They feature long interludes in their videos where there is nothing but music. At times, it’s just non-copyright music. However, many a times, they’re recognizable tunes.

So, the question is, how long can you play a song without copyright? The answer is a little more complicated than yes or no. The length of time and the song featured may make a difference or no difference at all.

There is also the issue of platform specific policy to consider. Aside from YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok and Twitch are all streaming sites which feature music. They all have different policies regarding copyright music.

Let’s go through them one by one.

How Long Can You Play a Song Without Copyright on YouTube?

There is no clear answer here. You can play copyrighted music in a YouTube video for a few seconds and it can get flagged. YouTube has a Content ID system to identify an entity’s content on the platform. This entity can be an individual YouTuber or a big company.

Videos uploaded to the site are scanned against a database of content submitted by the owners. This database is consistently updated. Owners can get to decide what happens when the content in a video matches their own work. If a match is found, the video can get a Content ID claim.

Fair Use Won’t Protect You

According to YouTube’s own rules, Fair Use is not a viable excuse to use copyrighted music in your videos.

Fair Use is determined on a case by case basis, and different countries have different rules about when it’s okay to use material without the copyright owner’s permission. In the U.S., works of commentary, criticism, research, teaching, or news reporting might be considered fair use, but it can depend on the situation.

YouTube Audio Library

YouTube features an Audio Library to help creators feature content that is reusable. This content is free of copyright strikes and provides high quality sound clips and sound effects for your videos. This is one of the best options to avoid copyright strikes and demonetization notices on your YouTube account.

How Long Can You Play a Song Without Copyright on TikTok?

TikTok is a huge platform for streaming content and has over 1 billion monthly active users. However, since it’s still a new platform relative to others, it hasn’t been regulated as strictly. While it’s very much regulated in Australia, stringent copyright restrictions don’t apply to the platform elsewhere.

Improper use of copyrighted material like music, and movie clips seems to be more flexible. You can also post recordings of another device like a laptop or a smartphone.

TikTok’s License Agreements

The way TikTok works is quite different from YouTube. Creators regularly dance to and comment on music or use dubs to make their point. TikTok thrives on repurposing content and creating one’s own spin on it.

This is why TikTok has generated license agreements with several artists for the right to use their music. This way, influencers, businesses and normal creators can use copyrighted music.

Commercial Music Library

TikTok’s Commercial Music Library contains royalty free music. Verified businesses on TikTok must use music from this library if they don’t want to get copyright-striked.

The commercial library has a large collection of music end users can use. This way, they don’t need to import the music from other platforms. As a result, there is little to no chance of TikTok users getting copyright strikes. However, if the music taken is from somewhere else other than TikTok, the strikes can do damage to that TikTok profile.

How Long You Play a Song Without Copyright on Instagram?

The guidelines for posting copyright music on Instagram have been laid out in detail. Since they’re a subsidiary of Facebook (now Meta), they’re quite clear about the copyright rules on their platform.

Instagram laid out these rules in a post on May 20, 2020.

Instagram Rules About Copyrighted Music

  1. Live performance recordings are permitted from concerts or live gigs or other performances. “Music in Stories” has been permitted completely.
  2. Full length recorded tracks streamed on Instagram live can terminate the broadcast.
  3. Video clips with copyright music should be kept short. Aim for short-form content when in doubt.
  4. Copyright music should always be accompanied with a video component on Instagram. Playing songs without a visual element is prohibited.
  5. Certain countries may not allow music. This is for countries where Instagram Musicis not active. Without the proper regulations in place, there could be misuse of music this way.

How Long You Play a Song Without Copyright on Twitch?

Twitch’s use of copyright music has been a contentious point. Several Twitch streamers have been banned over their use of copyright music in streams.

In June of 2021, Twitch began to use a system similar to YouTube to manage copyright music use. Twitch is now prohibited from playing tracks which are from streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music. Streamers are even prohibited from singing songs they don’t own on karaoke.

They aren’t even allowed to make covers or use them in DJ sets. Streamers have complained to Twitch for these draconian rules since the use of music is essential to their business model.

How to Legally Use Copyrighted Music?

While these rules aren’t platform blind, there is a general consensus on how to use music, copyrighted or not.

Use Public Domain Music

Using music in the public domain usually keeps you safe from copyright strikes. Songs in the public domain aren’t copyrighted. They are free to use. However, it’s very important to note that public domain isn’t applicable to the song itself.

It’s related to the recording of the song. Hence, covers of that song may still be copyright protected. So, you should only use the version of the song which is copyright protected.

Seek Permission

You can ask for permission from the original creators of the music. However, be sure to get it in writing. This can be for a big music label or a small, underground artist. Make sure that you iron out the details as well like sharing your content on other platforms.

Get Licensed Music

A license is just a fancy word for permission. You can buy licensed music from lots of different sources and websites which offer royalty free licenses. There are websites like epidemicsound or incompetech or ccmixter which can suffice for most creators.

Use the Creative Commons License

The creative commons license basically allows you to use content which is within the common use guidelines. Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization which is building a globally accessible public common. This license applies to all things, not just music. It is what Wikipedia uses as well.

There are a few rules including fair use and defensible use of content. As long as you abide by these rules, you’ll be fine.

There is something undeniably special about Vietnamese songs. From the soulful ballads to the more upbeat tracks, there is a certain charm that captivates listeners from all walks of life.

What is it about these songs that make them so appealing? Is it the unique melodies or the heartfelt lyrics? Perhaps it’s the way they evoke memories of home and family.

No matter what it is, Vietnamese songs are sure to touch your heart in a way that no other music can. The instruments used in traditional Vietnamese music are quite different from those in other countries, giving the songs a distinctive sound.

12 Best Vietnamese Songs

If you have never listened to a Vietnamese song before, we highly recommend you start with this list.

Each song is special in its own way, and they all portray themes of love and life beautifully. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoyed putting this list together!

1. Sài Gòn Hôm Nay Mưa by Hoàng Duyên and Jsol

Hoàng Duyên and Jsol bring trendy lofi colors with Sài Gòn Hôm Nay Mưa. The singer collaborated with Jsol to express the true spirit of the song.

This beautiful ballad about love and loss sets the tone for an immense flow of emotions. The melody is heartbreakingly sad, complemented by lyrics that pull at one’s heartstrings. Each verse is imbued with love and sadness.

This song depicts a touching story of a person who leaves Saigon after experiencing heartbreak. Throughout the song, he reminisces the time spent with his love and how they had promised to be there for each other through thick and thin.

This song is perfect for anyone who loves music laced with emotions. It is easy to listen to and remember. The chorus is the highlight that makes the song very catchy.

You can listen to the full song here.

2. Trốn Tìm by Đen

This heart-wrenching song about unrequited love is sure to leave you longing for your loved one who may have found a home in someone else’s arms.

The lyrics are incredibly sad, and the melody is beautifully tragic. Trốn Tìm translates to “Hide and Seek” in English. The songwriter has compared one-sided love to a children’s game called hide and seek, in which one child hides and the other finds him, except that in love, the “seeker” may not look for the one hiding.

You can listen to the full song here.

3. Răng Khôn by Phí Phương Anh

Răng Khôn by Phí Phương Anh is a beautiful song about first love. It’s a story of a young couple who had to part ways after years of dating and being in love. Their relationship ended when the man got married to someone else.

You can listen to the full song here.

4. Càng Lớn Càng Cô Đơn by JayKii

Càng Lớn Càng Cô Đơn is yet another sad love song focused on the themes of loneliness and isolation. It talks about how people tend to feel lonelier as they move from one stage of life to the next.

Additionally, this song reminds us how love brings happiness. At the same time, it makes us question why we always end up hurting those we love the most.

You can listen to the full song here.

5. Họ Yêu Ai Mất Rồi by Doãn Hiếu

This love song will become your favourite if you have experienced heartbreak.

Brace yourself for a heart-warming trip down memory lane; the soul-stirring lyrics will make you think of the pleasant memories with someone you love(d) who has now found someone else.

You can listen to the full song here.

6. Sợ Ta Mất Nhau by Châu Khải Phong

Sợ Ta Mất Nhau talks about the fear of losing the one you love. It tells the story of a man who loves a woman deeply or rather is obsessed with her. The thought of her falling for another man keeps him awake at night.

This song beautifully captures the essence of how obsession in a relationship can lead to tragedy.

You can listen to the full song here.

7. Khi Em Lớn by Orange featuring Hoàng Dũng

This melodious song touches on the subject of love but is more about life, in general. It talks about how life changes as we grow older, implying that living as a child is so much easier.

As we step into adulthood, we experience several ups and downs. Life gets tough. One may often be tempted to return home to their parents to feel safe and appreciated. However, they may not want to admit they have failed and lost hope.

The song further talks about how one must stand up after falling because life goes on. It’s not wrong to want to be a kid again and enjoy a carefree life, but reality must not be forgotten.

You can listen to the full song here.

8. Thế Nào Là Tình Yêu by Kai Đinh

Kai Đinh talks about moving on after a difficult breakup in this song. At the same time, he mentions not remembering how it feels to be loved again.

If you have recently broken up with someone and are struggling to move on, this song will remind you that life doesn’t come to a halt when someone leaves. You may grieve for days, weeks, or months but you will move on once that process is over.

You can listen to the full song here.

9. Em Hát Ai Nghe by Orange

This song by Orange revolves around unreciprocated love. It takes listeners on a journey full of tragedy, talking about loving someone who doesn’t love you back.

You can listen to the full song here.

10. Blue Tequila by Táo

Blue Tequila was one of the best Vietnamese songs of 2020. Dominated by string solo and lounge jazz influence, this sad love song paints a narrative most of us can relate to: an unexpected encounter at a bar that sparks feelings that can’t be expressed in words.

There may be moments in your life when you feel there’s a possibility of something more, or you may have had encounters where you could feel the chemistry between you two. Whatever it is – and you may not be able to explain it – but you can’t deny you have experienced it.

With Blue Tequila, Táo paints an impressive picture of that exact feeling/experience/realization in the music video using unique visual elements and a cinematic palette.

You can listen to the full song here.

It’s Time to Trace Your Life With the Best Vietnamese Songs!

Using plaintive melodies and heartfelt lyrics, the best Vietnamese songs touch a chord in listeners. They combine elements of Western and Eastern music styles to create a unique sound that is both hauntingly beautiful and irresistibly catchy. The country’s rich history and culture are evident in the lyrics and melodies of these songs.

If you have never had the chance to listen to Vietnamese music before, we highly recommend doing so!

Listening to a Vietnamese song can be like taking a mini-vacation to Southeast Asia – it’s part of their appeal. So, sit back and prepare to be enchanted by the beauty of Vietnamese music!


Even if you don’t know much about the world of music, you’ve probably at least heard people talking about verses before.

But what exactly is a verse, and how does it fit into a song?

That’s exactly what we’re going to look at in this article, so even if you don’t know a thing about verses right now, you’ll know all that there is to know afterward. Let’s dive in!

What Is A Verse

Song Structure

When you’re talking about verses, you’re talking about song structure. Song structure, interestingly enough, refers to the structure of songs.

Big surprise. But what does that mean exactly?

Well, in most cases, popular songs follow one of a few different common structures, and verses are parts that are repeated throughout the song, usually with some changes, to contrast with choruses.

Let’s use an example to demonstrate: the song Complicated by Avril Lavigne. After a brief intro section, the song starts with the following verse:

Chill out, what ya yellin' for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if, you could only let it be, you will see
I like you the way you are
When we're driving in your car
And you're talking to me one on one, but you become
Somebody else
'Round everyone else
You're watching your back
Like you can't relax
You try to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me

This is the song’s first verse.

We’ll get a bit more into what that means in a moment, but the important thing to know is that verses usually contrast with choruses.

Right after this part in the song comes the first chorus, which is:

Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this, you
And you fall, and you crawl, and you break
And you take what you get, and you turn it into
Honesty and promise me I'm never gonna find you faking
No, no, no

Aside from the fact that the words in the chorus and verse are different, if you listen to the song, you’ll find that the music is different as well.

This is because the verse usually contrasts with the chorus musically to add variety and interest to the song, as it can get a bit boring if the same thing gets repeated with no variation.

The chorus is usually the section that sums up the main idea of what the song is about, including the key emotion being expressed in the song.

In this song, Avril is upset with someone, maybe a romantic interest.

This is expressed directly in the chorus, but the verse is less straightforward. Instead, it gives clues and additional details that are relevant to the theme, building up to it.

We can see this again if we look at the second verse next:

You come over unannounced
Dressed up like you're somethin' else
Where you are and where it's at you see
You're making me
Laugh out when you strike your pose
Take off all your preppy clothes
You know you're not fooling anyone
When you become
Somebody else
'Round everyone else
You're watching your back
Like you can't relax
You try to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me

Notice that the words in the second verse are not only different from the chorus, but they’re different from the first verse as well.

This is common with verses because this way they can add more details to the story of the song and give more variations on the theme.

Other Ways Of Using Verses

Other Ways Of Using Verses

Complicated and its structure are just one example of a very common way of writing a song.

Having a verse followed by a chorus that’s musically and lyrically different is called “contrasting verse-chorus form”.

However, there are several ways that you can switch things up if you don’t want to stick to the standard formula.

The history of songwriting is very long and there’s not a lot that hasn’t been tried at least once.

One thing you can do is to keep the same verse-chorus-verse structure, but without changing the words between verses.

This can be done to keep a song simple or to emphasize the content of that verse. Morning Glory by Oasis is an example of this in action.

Another way is to have the song so that the music is the same in the verses as in the chorus – this is unusual, but there are several examples, such as Louie Louie by the Kingsmen. This is called “simple verse-chorus form”.

There is also a form called “simple verse form”, which is similar to simple verse-chorus form, except that they don’t have a chorus.

Songs like this are often either blues songs or songs heavily based on blues music, though there are exceptions. Purple Haze by The Jimi Hendrix Experience is one of the most famous.

Think about your favorite song or more or less any song that you might hear being played on the radio, and you’ll probably be able to recognize something like some of these patterns going on.

There are songs that subvert these patterns in all kinds of ways, but there’s usually a pretty familiar pattern you can notice.

Final Thoughts

So, to put it briefly, verses are parts of most songs.

They are typically repeated throughout the song, and the words are usually different with each repetition.

Importantly, they also provide contrast to the chorus. As well as being musically different from the chorus, they have different words, too.

This allows them to develop the themes and details of the song’s story or idea in a different way to the chorus.

Now that you know all of this, you can try out using verses in a few different ways when you write songs, and you’ll also be able to notice the ways that songs you hear on the radio use them, too.

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