Guitar Hero took the whole gaming community by storm when it was first released in 2005. If you are a 90’s kid, you probably spent most of your childhood strumming the guitar-shaped controller with your friends.

Most songs on the Guitar Hero franchise are rock songs range from the classic rock era of the 1960s to those peaking charts in the ’00s.

We have handpicked a list of the songs that made you strum a little harder and headbang more energetically. Here are the ten best guitar hero songs of all time:

Top 10 Best Guitar Hero Songs

Song # 1: Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi

Livin’ On A Prayer is by far the best song of the entire decade. The song’s popularity can be discerned by the fact that the game’s sales soared when the songs list was released.

This song is the epitome of perfection: it has great lyrics and a beat that will make you strum the guitar while you scream the words out all at once. All in all, it’s something that would make you feel like a rockstar.

Guitar Hero World Tour contains the original studio version of the song, which plays the intro riff in the end once again before fading out for a proper guitar experience.

It took a while, but we’re glad this song made it to the Guitar Hero franchise.

Song # 2: Hotel California by Eagles

Another classic rock song released in the ’70s makes it on the list here. Hotel California is easily considered to be the best song of the generation. It was even voted as having the best guitar solo.

Hotel California is a unique song because its chords repeat after long intervals. It will have you playing the song over and over again just for the sake of it until you have mastered it.

Song # 3: Dead! by My Chemical Romance

Dead! It isn’t even the best song from the album ‘The Black Parade,’ let alone be one of My Chemical Romance’s greatest; but it still makes the list here.

Dead! has one of the most fun and upbeat music that will make you work just that tiny bit of extra to be fun and exciting to play the song.

The thing that made the major difference was the inclusion of the song’s master recording in the game, which lets you experience and rush of playing it live.

Song # 4: One by Metallica

The fact that a whole new game, ‘Guitar Heroes: Metallica,’ was released to celebrate their legendary music is enough to recognize Metallica’s importance in the music culture. Fans were finally able to riff their way through all the metal songs after 20 ol’ years of only listening to their masterpieces.

Before the release of Guitar Hero: Metallica, Metallica debuted in Guitar Hero III with their beautiful track ‘One’.

‘One’ might not be their greatest track on the album, but playing it is much more fun, and you are rewarded with a great sense of accomplishment at finishing it.

Song # 5: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor

What list would ever be complete without including this song in it?

You don’t have to be an eighties kid to know this banger from the ‘Rocky’ series. It made you bob your head along with the beat when you watched the movies. But it also made many bang their heads with the guitar while playing it.

This ’80s rock and roll hit is the most fun track to play on the entire game tracklist. It was the song you’d wish your opponent would play flawlessly so that you could hear the masterpiece without any mistakes in it.

Song # 6: Killer Queen by Queen

Killer Queen is widely recognized as the song that helped set the stage for Guitar Hero.

It has all of the qualities present in a typical Queen song: a funky bit of music and changing vocals that is a majestic experience when played out on the guitar.

Guitar Hero initially launched a song’s cover until Guitar Hero: Smash Hits, when the Killer Queen master track finally became available.

Song # 7: You Got Another Thing Coming by Judas Priest

It is one of the greatest metal songs ever was never in doubt, but You Got Another Thing Coming has also cemented its place as the best videogame song ever.

Admit it, Judas Priest’s classic was what got us all into Guitar Hero. The quirky music paired with the gameplay showed us what this game was capable of.

There are more difficult songs in the game tracklist, but the alternating metal rock music and beats help it make a list easily.

Song # 8: The Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold has always been a kickin’ band, but they got their well-deserved fame after including The Beast and the Harlot in the Guitar Hero II game tracklist.

The song comes to your mind when you think of the word ‘rock’. It is 4 minutes and 10 seconds of pure (screams) bliss.

The Beast and the Harlot has everything that makes it an excellent Guitar Hero song: an intense guitar solo, a ferocious intro and the occasional key changes.

P.s: You have to know this song inside out to be a worthy master of Guitar Hero.

Song # 9: Walk This Way by Aerosmith ft. Run DMC

You only have to listen to the song’s intro to understand why this song made it to the list. If you’re the ’70s and ’80s kid, you probably remember how this song took the world by storm.

It received extraordinary praise, and MTV had Aerosmith perform it live, with Steven Tyler bursting through a wall to sing the opening lyrics after that guitar intro.

That is pretty much exactly how we all imagined ourselves as we played it on Guitar Hero, with unlaced sneakers and acting as if there isn’t a worry in the world (and trying to enter through a wall, you know we have all tried that).

Special brownie points for anyone who can rap like Run DMC while playing the bass line and just as fast guitar riffs.

Song # 10: Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce

How fitting that this is the final song on our list? Last but not the least, the difficulty level of Through the Fire and Flames will have you sweating as if you walked through fire and flames.

Many people rank this at the top of any Guitar Hero songs list. This song will have you listening to it on repeat until you can’t resist playing it, only for you to get through even a quarter of it barely.

The song has some of the coolest beats playing at an insane and inhuman speed that will make you realize how talented metal bands are.

If you can play songs like ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia’, we respect you all, but if you can get through this song without making a single mistake, we’d suggest you switch professions to become a rockstar. You’re in the same league as Santana now.

Final Thoughts

What did you think of our ‘Best Guitar Hero Songs’ list? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Keep watching this space for more music-related updates, blogs and guides.

Have a Nice Day!


Eduardo Perez is a multi-instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience playing instruments such as piano, guitar, ukulele, and bass. Having arranged songs and produced music in a recording studio, he has a wealth of knowledge to share about analyzing songs, composing, and producing. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Musical Studies at Berklee College School of Music. Featured on Subscribe to his YouTube channel, or follow him on Instagram.

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