The treble clef (or the G clef) is used for higher-pitched notes normally played with the right hand. The bass clef (or the F clef) is used for lower-pitched notes commonly played with the left hand. A grand staff is formed when two clefs are joined together by a brace.
If you are not familiar with the details in a music sheet, go and have a look at one (Google!). You will see the title of the piece at the topmost center and below it is a circus of notes written on, above, or below a musical staff with five lines.
I tell you, these notes vary very wildly, there are some that look like a box, some have too many flags, while some look like the number seven but written in different ways. Apart from these notes, there are also symbols that command you on what to do. It can either direct you to press some notes faster, slower, or play a different note! You will see notes grouped together, so you should play those notes all at the same time. There are sustained notes. There are symbols for which pedal to use and when exactly you must press on it.
Combine all these elements together, and you’d be into this music madness in no time.
But did you notice that there are some symbols that sit in every music sheet there is? When you look at the leftmost part of any staff, you’ll see a symbol isolated from all the other notes within the musical staff.
This symbol has so much power that it was given a special name, musicians from all corners of the globe call it a clef.
A clef is a symbol that dictates what note is found on each line of the staff. A single music piece can have different clefs. Referring to the musical piece you were asked to search earlier, it is likely that you will see that within a pair of the musical staff, the clef of the staff above is different from the one below it.
In modern music, numerous clefs exist, but there are four that are commonly used. These are the treble, the bass, the alto, and the tenor clef. Today let’s delve into the two which we might have encountered more frequently, the treble and the bass.
What is Treble Clef?
The treble clef is referred to as the G-clef for two reasons. First, quite literally, its symbol is a sophisticated and stylish letter G. Second, the symbol of the clef encircles the second to the most bottom line, which indicates that this line is G4 or the G above middle C. Hence, middle C will be found two notes below the bottommost line of the musical staff.
The G-clef is usually used for high-sound pieces and is typically played with the right hand. Musical instruments such as violins, clarinets, horns, and saxophones use this music clef. Apart from these, voices especially those of sopranos, mezzo-sopranos, altos, contraltos, and of course, tenors, are notated using this clef.
What is Bass Clef?
If Treble clef is for high-sounding notes, is there a clef made for the low ends of the spectrum? Yes, there is! And there’s no name that suits this role better than the bass clef.
A bass clef looks like an inverted 6 or a 9 (choose whichever of the two you fancy) and is called the F-clef. The symbol of the clef wraps around the second topmost line of the musical staff which indicates F3 or the F below middle C.
As mentioned above, the bass clef is used for low-sounding notes. Instruments that use this clef include cello, euphonium, bassoon, trombone, tuba, or timpani. Some horns or keyboards also use bass clef in playing their lowest notes. Singers that fall under bass or baritone use this clef.
How Are They Different
Obviously, we can easily observe that the bass clef and treble clef are made for two different parts of the spectrum. One is used for higher-sounding stuff, while the other is for the lower-sounding notes. So yes, these two are uniquely different!
If we go way back and focus on the etymology of the words treble and bass, we can clearly see that, fundamentally, they are indeed opposites. Treble came from the Latin word triplus which means the highest part. On the other hand, bass came from the old English word baers which directly translates to a very low-pitched sound. When playing the piano, in general, you play the treble clef with the right hand since notes on the right sound higher while you play notes on the bass clef with the left since the notes there are lower.
But are these two clefs really different or are they just part of something better?
When you combine both the treble and bass clefs, you form a grand staff. A grand staff is eleven lines tall, five for the treble clef and another five for the bass, the one in between is the middle C.
The lines in these two clefs represent very specific notes and they might be tricky to remember. Good thing there are mnemonics to help you recall what notes are on the musical staff when you see these two clefs.
For the treble clef, remember the sentence “Every Good Boy Does Fine”. Take note of the first letters of each word in this sentence, these are the notes that are found on the lines on the musical staff, with E being found the bottommost while F at the topmost. Its corresponding word “FACE”, describes the notes found within the spaces of the musical staff, with F being above lower E and E below upper F.
Meanwhile, for the bass clef, use the sentence “Good Boys Do Fine Always” to remember the lines found on the lines of the musical staff. However, this might get you confused with the one for the treble clef since they use similar words, hence you can use the sentence “Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always” as an alternative. The mnemonic “All Cows Eat Grass” gives you the notes found within the spaces of the musical staff, with A being on top of lower G, and higher G below higher A.
Here is a helpful video on this topic (the part about the treble clef and bass clef starts at 1:50):
Different Roles, One Goal: Final Thoughts
As symbols, we can see that the treble and bass clef are located on two different ends of the spectrum: the highs, and the lows. Despite being used to indicate different pitches, these two clefs have one goal in common — to produce a symphony of notes that, when played, would sound delightful, if not the most delightful, to everyone’s ear.